Referrals for services are accepted from individual clients as well as a wide range of other sources, including but not limited to: physicians, other health care professionals (e.g., naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, etc.), employee assistance programs, etc.

Our services are not currently covered under OHIP but many employment-related or extended health benefit plans offer full or partial coverage. Fees are based on the guidelines recommended by the respective professional associations and will be set prior to the first appointment. Please check with your benefits provider to determine the scope and amount of your coverage.
You do not require a referral from a physician to receive psychological services. You can self-refer.
Cancellation policy
If you do not attend your scheduled appointment and you have not provided 48 hours notice, you will be required to pay the full session rate. If you arrive late for your appointment, we will meet for the balance of the remaining time available and you will be required to pay the full session rate.