What to Expect
Free Phone Consultation
New clients have the opportunity to book a free 10-15 minute consultation to determine if we can help you and, if so, for you to learn more about the process.
The Assessment / Intake Appointments
Before therapy can begin a detailed intake appointment is necessary. This process usually takes 1-2 sessions at which time clients are carefully evaluated to identify the nature and severity of presenting problems. Some relevant background information is also collected and discussed. By the end of the intake, specific therapeutic goals are collaboratively set and a treatment plan is developed.
Subsequent Appointments
The number and frequency of sessions will vary depending on the client’s individual needs, the stage of therapy (i.e., more frequent at the beginning), and the nature of the problem being addressed.
Telepsychology Services
During the pandemic, all sessions are taking place virtually. The practice uses the electronic service provider OWL. This provider is used to store patient contact and billing information, schedule sessions, maintain health records, exchange secured messages with patients , and conduct video sessions. This provider is Canadian-based and compliant with the Personal Health Information Privacy Act (PHIPA) requirements. Its privacy policy can be found at https://faq.owlpractice.ca/owl-and-compliance/ontario.